992 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897

Meet Dr Leonard Fox

Dr. Leonard Fox has been freeing people from pain since 1987. In 2000 Dr. Fox and his family - wife Charlene and sons Isaac, David, Josh and Marcus moved to Connecticut from California. As a Chiropractor with many years experience, he is committed to promoting the health and well being of his patients. If you live in Georgetown, Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton or Weston you should consider our office your neighborhood chiropractic and wellness center.

Dr. Fox uses a "whole person approach" when taking care of his patients. By combining the very best evaluation methods and hands-on-techniques with state of the art rehabilitation and physiotherapy procedures, Dr. Fox is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.


* Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, 2005 through New York Chiropractic College
* National College of Chiropractic, graduated 1986 with Doctor of Chiropractic
* S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, graduated 1977 with Bachelor of Sciences in Biology


* Licensed in Connecticut, New York and California

A Little More About Dr. Fox:

As a child in Brooklyn, if asked what I wanted to be my answer was “I don’t know” or “baseball player…explorer...astronaut…fireman” depending on my age. In other words, I had no idea. My parents and teachers said I could become anything I wanted to be. Great, but so much to choose from! Eventually, I went to S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, majored in biology and thought of becoming a marine biologist “I like water…love to swim and snorkel…already a lifeguard in the summer. Besides, Stony Brook had a Marine Biology program in Jamaica!”

Unfortunately, by the time I could apply, S.U.N.Y. used the Marine Biology money to send language students to France. Come to think of it, I wasn’t ready to devote myself to studying lovely little sea creatures. This soon made me a bachelor of sciences in biology without a career goal.

This period grew into several years of travel with work as a lifeguard and New York City taxi driver to support myself. I did yoga, calisthenics and walked daily, felt in tremendous health and believed fully the yoga saying, “the key to good health is a well aligned, flexible spine”. I found movement of any kind – yoga, travel, hiking, swimming to be beneficial to me.

In Berkeley, California I met an 80 year-old retired nurse who told me that as a 25 year-old new nurse she worked for an elderly doctor who was a great healer. Before dying, he held her hands, looked into her eyes, blessed her and passed his healing power on. She then took my hands in hers, looked me in the eyes and said she was ready to pass her healing power to me.

Back in New York several months later I realized I wanted a career, but the inevitable question arose, “what?” I knew a well aligned, flexible spine was crucial to good health, had a biology degree and hands perhaps blessed with healing power. I also knew movement was healing. If I could fit that together, I’d be on to something. A local chiropractor began a series of radio ads explaining chiropractic was a hands-on, drugless, non-surgical method healing method. He said it works by moving vertebrae to take stress off the spine, improve alignment, and allow the body to heal itself. Something clicked! Chiropractic was like doing yoga on people to help them recover from injury and improve their health.

From that moment on my path was set. I attended the National College of Chiropractic, did well in my studies and have been a chiropractor for 20 years. I have come to truly respect what chiropractic can do for people. Most often people come to see me with headaches, migraines, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, whiplash from car accidents, backaches, numbness in the arms or legs, athletic injuries and chronic pain of many years duration.

While all hands-on care is therapeutic, I don’t only rely on touch to help people. For 20 years in my post-graduate studies I have pursued many treatment methods. I use soft tissue work ( myofascial release, active release, trigger point work) and methods which improve nervous system communication with the body (neuromuscular re-education, somatic, analysis and treatment methods of Vladimir Janda, M.D.). I love to teach people simple rehabilitative stretches and exercise (movement!) to help correct their problems. This gives me the ability to help people post-injury or with long term chronic problems to a greater extent than just by adjusting them and using physical therapy modalities.

In practice I teach and encourage people to become and stay healthy. I emphasize a healthy lifestyle through chiropractic, good nutrition, movement, and a positive mental attitude (having fun is good for us too!) I believe good health is our natural birthright, achievable for most people.

In 2005 I completed the Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner program offered through New York Chiropractic College. This is the same program all chiropractors who work with Olympic athletes take. It’s a fantastic program and was an invaluable experience.

More recently, in 2012 my practice went through a major evolution as I was trained in Science Based Nutrition and began the process of becoming certified as a Posture Exercise Professional. Both of these programs are important ways of helping my community become healthier as they live longer, healthier and more active lives.

Fortunately, before going to chiropractic school I met Charlene while I was working as a lifeguard in a summer camp in Beacon, New York.Charlene is a talented artist, as you can see by a quick look at my office. Together we have four sons: Isaac, David, Josh and Marcus.

Proudly serving Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, Weston and of course Georgetown


992 Danbury Road,
Wilton, CT 06897


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


By appointment only


9:00am - 1:00pm



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