992 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897

Stressed Out in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton or Weston? Headaches, Neck or Back Pain in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton or Weston? Breathe Easy: Healthy Breathing Can Help.

As a chiropractor with decades of experience, I appreciate the role spinal alignment and the ability of spinal joints to move freely serves in overall health and well-being. My initial examination looks closely at this as I search for the cause of the presenting complaint, usually neck or back pain. This is probably no surprise to you.

Something that might surprise you, though, is the importance I place on observing if the patient demonstrates proper breathing or not.  I know, you’ve been breathing since your first doctor slapped you on the bottom and you cried lustily. What’s could be the problem? Does everything have to be a problem? You breathe in, you breathe out. Easy-peasy.

Believe me, the way you breathe can influence your life in important ways. Your experience of pain and your overall sense of feeling calm and healthy (or not) are strongly affected by HOW you breathe. To simplify, is your typical breathing shallow with small breaths, or full and deep with appropriately large breaths? And what happens when you consciously try to take in a large breath? Do you just expand your upper chest, or does plentiful air get down into your lower lungs, as evidenced by the movement of your abdomen as your diaphragm moves?

In this blog post, we'll explore the connection between healthy breathing, stress, and pain relief, and how incorporating breathing techniques into your chiropractic routine can enhance your results.

The Link Between Breathing and Pain:

Breathing is something we can do involuntarily, without thought. However, the way we breathe can either exacerbate or alleviate pain throughout the body. Shallow breathing, often associated with stress and anxiety, can contribute to tension in the muscles and restrict blood flow, leading to increased pain and discomfort. On the other hand, deep, diaphragmatic breathing promotes relaxation, improves circulation, and reduces muscle tension, providing natural pain relief.

The Role of Chiropractic Care:

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring proper alignment to the spine, which can alleviate pressure on nerves and promote optimal function throughout the body. However, even the most skilled chiropractor can only do so much if underlying muscle tension and stress are not addressed. This is where breathing techniques come into play.

By incorporating breathing exercises into your daily routine, you can enhance the effectiveness of adjustments and promote longer-lasting results. When the body is in a relaxed state, adjustments are often easier to perform, and the benefits can be more profound. Additionally, deep breathing can help release tension in the muscles surrounding the spine, allowing for better alignment and improved mobility.

Let's explore some simple techniques you can incorporate into your daily routine:

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Lie down in a comfortable position with one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen first, and then your chest second to rise as you fill your lungs with air. Exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall. Focus on making your breathing slow, deep, and rhythmic.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: I learned this one as a teenager on a summer camp camping trip to the beautiful Delaware River Gap, after a day of canoeing. It worked then, and it still does now. This technique involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes, and working your way up to your head. Pair each relaxation phase with slow, deep breaths to enhance the calming effect. Inhale fully into your belly as you clench your muscles, scrunch up the toes to begin, and consciously let your toes relax as you slowly and fully exhale. Second breath in, scrunch the toes and your foot muscles. Work your way up, if you can stay awake that long.

3. Box Breathing: Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, exhale slowly for a count of four, and then hold your breath again for a count of four before repeating the cycle. If four is comfortable, after a few circuits try a longer exhale, to six. You might then be able to comfortably try a six second box. This technique helps regulate your breathing pattern and promotes relaxation.


Full, relaxed, comfortable, healthy breathing is a powerful tool in the pursuit of pain relief and optimal health.  If you are stressed out and in pain in Ridgefield, Redding, Wilton, or Weston, by adding simple focused breathing techniques to your chiropractic routine, you can enhance the effectiveness of adjustments, reduce muscle tension, and promote overall well-being. Help yourself, take time each day to focus on your breath, and you may be surprised by the positive impact it can have on your pain levels and quality of life. You might even think it’s fun.

For personal instruction in this, please call Georgetown Chiropractic at (203) 544-9291 to schedule an appointment.


992 Danbury Road,
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